Institute of Language Teaching out reach pogramme Independence Day Celebration with Students of Practice Teaching School

Independence Day Celebration with Students of Practice Teaching School

ILT trainees demonstrated their commitment to community engagement by orchestrating and actively participating in an Independence Day celebration alongside students from the Practice Teaching School. This event served as a poignant example of outreach, fostering a sense of unity and patriotism within the local community.

The collaboration with the Practice Teaching School not only showcased ILT’s dedication to practical education but also reinforced the importance of cultural and national celebrations. By intertwining the trainees’ learning experience with the students’ participation, a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives ensued, promoting a holistic approach to education.


This outreach activity extended beyond mere symbolic gestures, becoming a platform for cultural exchange and understanding. Through various presentations, performances, and interactive sessions, ILT trainees not only celebrated Independence Day but also contributed to the broader educational experience of the Practice Teaching School students.


Furthermore, the event created a positive ripple effect, strengthening the bonds between ILT and the local community. It emphasized the transformative power of collaborative initiatives, positioning ILT as a catalyst for positive change and community development. In essence, this Independence Day celebration exemplified ILT’s role not only as an educational institution but also as an active participant in building a vibrant and interconnected community.