Institute of Language Teaching out reach pogramme Book fair at Practice Teaching School in Collaboration with Sahitya Setu (MOU)

Book fair at Practice Teaching School in Collaboration with Sahitya Setu (MOU)

The Institute of Language Teaching (ILT), in collaboration with Sahitya Setu through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), organized a transformative book fair at a Practice Teaching School, exemplifying a noteworthy outreach and community activity. The event aimed to foster a love for literature, promote education, and strengthen community ties.


The book fair provided a diverse and enriching collection of literary works, catering to various age groups and interests. Students, teachers, and community members had the opportunity to explore and purchase books at discounted rates, encouraging a culture of reading and learning within the community.

The collaboration with Sahitya Setu, facilitated by the existing MOU, brought in renowned authors, scholars, and literary enthusiasts to conduct interactive sessions and book signings. This not only enriched the literary experience but also provided a platform for the community to engage with prominent figures in the literary world.


Beyond the immediate educational impact, the book fair served as a social hub, fostering a sense of community and intellectual exchange. It created an inclusive space for students, parents, and local residents to come together, share ideas, and celebrate the joy of reading. In doing so, ILT’s collaborative book fair not only promoted literacy but also strengthened the social fabric of the community, aligning with the institute’s commitment to holistic education and community development.