Institute of Language Teaching out reach pogramme Live telecast of launch of Chandrayan with Students of Practice Teaching School

Live telecast of launch of Chandrayan with Students of Practice Teaching School

The live telecast of the Chandrayaan launch orchestrated by ILT with students from the Practice Teaching School transcended the realms of traditional education, transforming into a compelling outreach and community activity. This initiative not only showcased ILT’s commitment to staying abreast of scientific advancements but also underscored its dedication to fostering a passion for learning beyond conventional boundaries.


By involving students from the Practice Teaching School, ILT created an immersive and interactive educational experience. The live telecast served as a gateway to the cosmos, inspiring young minds and instilling a sense of wonder about space exploration and scientific discovery. This event went beyond textbooks, bringing real-time, cutting-edge science directly into the classrooms.


The outreach aspect of this activity was pronounced as it reached beyond ILT’s immediate academic community, extending its impact to the broader public. The collaboration with the Practice Teaching School not only enriched the educational experience of those involved but also positioned ILT as a hub for promoting scientific awareness and curiosity within the local community.


In essence, the live telecast of the Chandrayaan launch became a bridge between academia and the community, fostering a spirit of scientific inquiry and instilling a sense of collective pride in India’s space exploration achievements. This outreach initiative exemplified ILT’s role as a dynamic and socially responsible educational institution.