The Mock Vidhan Sabha project organized by Saurashtra University, with active participation from trainees and staff of the Institute of Language Teaching (ILT), represents a dynamic outreach and community activity. This initiative, facilitated by the Government of Gujarat, goes beyond conventional educational practices, providing a unique platform for trainees to immerse themselves in the democratic process.
During the Mock Vidhan Sabha, ILT trainees and staff played key roles, with some even assuming the positions of Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs). This hands-on experience allowed them to engage in the legislative process, simulate debates, and understand the complexities of governance, contributing to a more profound comprehension of the democratic framework.
As an outreach activity, the Mock Vidhan Sabha project bridges the gap between academia and practical application, fostering civic engagement and political literacy. By actively participating in the simulation, ILT trainees not only gained insights into legislative procedures but also cultivated a sense of responsibility and awareness regarding the functioning of the democratic machinery.
Moreover, the project serves as a community-building exercise, bringing together students and staff in a collaborative and participatory endeavor. The Mock Vidhan Sabha contributes to community education, encouraging a dialogue on democratic values and governance practices. This experience can inspire trainees to become active and informed citizens, influencing the community positively by promoting democratic principles and civic engagement.