Institute of Language Teaching out reach pogramme Praying tribute to Retired Professor of English Avdhessingh by Trainees and Management of ILT

Praying tribute to Retired Professor of English Avdhessingh by Trainees and Management of ILT

This poignant outreach and community activity were a testament to the ILT’s commitment not only to academic pursuits but also to fostering a sense of solidarity and empathy within the educational community. By bringing together trainees and the management of ILT, the event created a space for collective mourning and reflection on the profound impact of Dr. Avdhesh Sing’s contributions to the field of English literature and academia.


The prayer session served as a poignant platform for individuals associated with ILT to express their condolences and share memories of the retired professor. This act of communal remembrance not only provided solace to those directly affected by the loss but also highlighted the ILT’s dedication to the well-being and emotional support of its community members.


In addition to honoring the memory of Dr. Avdhesh Sing, this outreach activity reinforced the sense of community within ILT, fostering a supportive environment that extends beyond academic pursuits. Through shared moments of reflection and prayer, the ILT community paid tribute to a respected educator while simultaneously strengthening the bonds that tie them together in their shared academic journey. This event exemplifies how educational institutions can serve as pillars of support, fostering a sense of belonging and care within their communities.