Institute of Language Teaching out reach pogramme Awareness program on Kidney diseases in Collaboration with Indian Rinal Foundation Attended by trainees ILT & Teachers of other Practice Teaching Schools

Awareness program on Kidney diseases in Collaboration with Indian Rinal Foundation Attended by trainees ILT & Teachers of other Practice Teaching Schools

The awareness program on kidney diseases conducted by the Indian Renal Foundation in collaboration with teachers from various practice teaching schools exemplifies ILT’s commitment to community health and outreach. This initiative transcends traditional academic boundaries, underscoring ILT’s role in promoting holistic well-being within the broader community.


By engaging teachers from multiple practice teaching schools, ILT broadened the impact of the awareness program, creating a network of informed individuals who can, in turn, disseminate crucial health information within their respective school communities. This collaborative effort not only enhanced the knowledge and awareness of kidney diseases but also positioned ILT as a hub for community health initiatives.


The outreach dimension of this activity is significant, as it extends the benefits of the awareness program beyond the ILT campus. Teachers, being influential figures in the lives of students, serve as vital conduits for spreading health-related knowledge to families and the wider community. This collaborative effort with the Indian Renal Foundation reflects ILT’s dedication to playing a proactive role in addressing prevalent health issues and promoting a culture of preventive healthcare.


In essence, the awareness program on kidney diseases with teachers from various practice teaching schools exemplifies ILT’s commitment to community well-being. It not only imparts valuable health knowledge but also establishes ILT as a catalyst for positive change and health advocacy within the larger societal context.